Bank Alfalah | SME Toolkit

COVID-19 Updates

Webinars in Collaboration with IFC

SBP Refinance Facilitates to Combat Covid-19

Refinance facility for Hospitals and Medical Centers
Refinance Scheme for Payment of Wages and Salaries
Temporary Economic Refinance Facility
Relief under SME Financing & SBP Refinance Schemes to Dampen the Effects of Covid-19
Upcoming Webinars
February 2025

Webinars in Collaboration with IFC

Adjusting your business plan during crisis
Communicating with stakeholders during crisis

We are in unprecedented times in our global economy with the COVID-19 pandemic and SMEs are more than ever exposed to the vulnerabilities as the business dynamics have completely changed. This webinar gives you tips to help you plan for surviving the pandemic as a business and prepare for the future! You may access the link to watch the complete webinar on YouTube:

One of the most important things you can do for your business during a crisis is to communicate. This webinar can help you think through how you can communicate effectively and provides advice on communicating decisions quickly and effectively as preparing your crisis communications is imperative at this time! You may access the link to watch the complete webinar on YouTube:

Let’s spend our time together, and begin to think creatively and plan strategically on how to maintain your profitability during the pandemic; and in the economic aftermath. This webinar would give you tips to help you plan for surviving the pandemic as a business and prepare for the future!

In unprecedented times like these, businesses might strive to access finance. This webinar gives you tips to prepare yourself for and educate yourself on the financing options during the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic aftermath.

SBP Refinance Facilities to Combat Covid-19

In this Hour of Need for Pakistan, Let’s fight Corona Virus together!

Bank Alfalah offers the State Bank of Pakistan’s concessional refinance facility to all the hospitals and medical centers of the country that are fighting at the forefront of this national crisis.

In view of health emergency in the country and to facilitate hospitals in entertaining patients even other than those of COVID-19, SBP has extended the scope of refinance scheme to cover setting up or expansion of the existing hospitals and medical centers subject to the following minimum conditions:

  • Registration with respective Provincial/Federal agencies/commissions
  • 50 Bedded tertiary care hospital
  • 24 hours fully equipped emergency
  • In house Laboratory facility including Radiology/ CT/ MRI/ Ultrasound/ angiography/ angioplasty
  • ICU/CCU with ventilators attached to each bed
  • Operation theaters and OPD facility


  • Maximum Financing Limit: PKR 500 million
  • Purpose: i) Purchase of new imported and local equipment
    ii) Construction of isolation wards (up to 100% of civil works)
  • Tenor: 5 years
  • Markup rate: Maximum 3% per annum
  • Validity of this facility: 30th June, 2021

For Quick Access, Contact Us:
Email: /
Call: +92 300 432 4007/ 111 225 111

Bank Alfalah offers the State Bank of Pakistan’s Temporary Economic Refinance Facility (TERF) to support sustainable economic growth especially in the backdrop of challenges being faced by the industry in post-pandemic scenario. Businesses can avail long term finance facility for purchase of new imported and locally manufactured plant & machinery for setting of new projects.

  • Maximum Financing Limit: PKR 5 billion per project
  • Tenor: Financing is available for a maximum of 10 years including grace period of up to 2 years
  • Markup rate: Maximum 5% per annum
  • Markup Repayment: Quarterly/Half-yearly basis
  • Validity of this facility: 31st March, 2021

Letter of Credits/ Inland letter of credits established prior to issuance of the schemes but retired/ to be retired after March 17, 2020 will also be eligible for this refinance.

For Quick Access, Contact Us:
Email: /
Call: +92 300 432 4007/ 111 225 111

Bank Alfalah offers State Bank of Pakistan’s Refinance Scheme to support businesses to continue payment of wages and salaries to their workers and employees in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak. The refinance scheme will ease cash flow constraints of employers for timely payment of wages and salaries to workers and employees.

Offer available to:

  • Existing payroll clients who also maintain a lending relationship with Bank Alfalah
  • Existing payroll clients who do not maintain a lending relationship with Bank Alfalah
  • Clients who maintain a lending relationship but are not availing payroll services with Bank Alfalah
  • Existing and potential clients who do not maintain either payroll or lending relationship with Bank Alfalah

Features of Refinance Facility:

Category Wage Bill for 3 months Loan Limit Maximum
Loan Limit
A Less than or equal to Rs. 500 million 100% of actual 3 months wage bill Rs. 500 M
B More than Rs. 500 million Rs. 500 million or 75% of 3
months wage bill, whichever
is higher
Rs. 1000 M
  • End-user markup rate: Up to 5%
  • Loan repayment: Starts from January 2021 after disbursement period of three months followed by maximum grace period of six months
  • Repayment of loan: Principal amount will be made in 8 equal quarterly installments
  • Validity of this facility: June 30, 2020
To apply, please reach out to your respective branch/business unit. For further information, email us at Availability of this line is subject to credit assessment and final approval

Bank Alfalah offers relief under SME financing through deferring repayment of principal loan amount by one year upon a written request of an obligor received before 30th June 2020, provided that the obligor will continue to service the mark-up amount as per agreed terms & conditions.

The financing facilities of such obligors, which are unable to service the mark-up amount or need deferment exceeding one year, may be rescheduled / restructured upon their request.

In order to broaden the scope of our earlier relaxations, Bank Alfalah offers deferment of only principal amount for one year or rescheduling/restructuring of the loans relaxation for following SBP refinance schemes along with their respective Shariah compliant alternative schemes:

  • Long Term Financing Facility (LTFF)
  • Financing Facility for Storage of Agricultural Produce (FFSAP)
  • Refinance Facility for Modernization of SMEs
  • Refinance and Credit Guarantee Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs
  • Refinance Scheme for Working Capital Financing of SE and Low-End ME
  • Small Enterprise (SE) Financing and Credit Guarantee Scheme for Special Persons

Validity of the facility: 30th June,2020

For Quick Access, Contact Us:

Email: /
Call: +92 300 432 4007/ 111 225 111

Bank Alfalah offers the State Bank of Pakistan’s Temporary Economic Refinance Facility (TERF) to support sustainable economic growth especially in the backdrop of challenges being faced by the industry in post-pandemic scenario. Businesses can avail long term finance facility for purchase of new imported and locally manufactured plant & machinery for setting of new projects.

  • Maximum Financing Limit: PKR 5 billion per project
  • Tenor: Financing is available for a maximum of 10 years including grace period of up to 2 years
  • Markup rate: Maximum 5% per annum
  • Markup Repayment: Quarterly/Half-yearly basis
  • Validity of this facility: 31st March, 2021

Letter of Credits/ Inland letter of credits established prior to issuance of the schemes but retired/ to be retired after March 17, 2020 will also be eligible for this refinance.

For Quick Access, Contact Us:
Email: /
Call: +92 300 432 4007/ 111 225 111

Apply For Sme Loans